Friday, June 20, 2008

Our new addition Born 6/20/08 @ 4:57am......

Here is our #2 named "Luke Daniel Kochis".
Anca did an amazing job once again.
All I can say is any woman that can withstand 3 hours of pushing during full labor contractions with no pain relief should be feared..... Even with Anca's heroic stamina and determination God had a different plan and she was forced to have another "C" section delivery after our chubby child would not conform and exit the "natural" way. At 1 oz shy of 9 lbs and 21 in long you can see why. We are very thankful that mom is healing well and that our baby is healthy.


Braden/Cayman said...

Oh my goodness... you guys are fast! I can't believe you have pictures up already!!! Congrats!!! "Baby #2" (as I will call him for now) is just adorable! So happy for you guys and that everyone is happy and healthy! Can't wait to meet him!

Kaley Ehret said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! He's beautiful!! Anca, I'm so proud of you. You are amazing.
Can't wait to meet him. We'll call later!

!JHwe said...

Dude congrats to all 4 of ya. How do I get one of those groovy masks?