Monday, July 23, 2007

Helping mommy

What would mommy do without my help?
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Isaiah's first bike ride with daddy

Isaiah wasn't sure about the bike seat at first, but he ended up loving it.
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Eric's School Reunion

Isaiah was the heart of the his daddy, of course
We had a blast with Eric's classmates
We were thrilled to be invited by Nick and Shelly to visit Disney sometimes soon
Dan and Jerri were fun as always

We went and celebrated Eric's 20th School Reunion on Saturday. It was nice to find out new things about Eric. He was very popular in high school. Everyone hoped Eric will be at the reunion, which was kind of cool. Eric was the prom king and he almost pooped his pants while wearing his white tuxedo. Girls were crazy about Eric (it was the humor, I guess), and Eric was the best dressed in high school.
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Monday, July 16, 2007

They even sleep alike!!!

I've been trying to tell the world Isaiah is so much like his daddy they even sleep alike. I got the proof now, so the world (Eric is my world :)) can start believing me. By the time I went to get the camera Isaiah moved his head, but seconds before this picture was taken even their head direction was the same :) Weird!!!
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At the beach

Eric had to lift Isaiah up every time there was a wave coming; otherwise Isaiah would complain about it...
Sorious has no fear when it comes to water

Legs, legs, legs...
Isaiah didn't like the waves too much
Neal, Kadie and Rebekah conquering the waves
Lisa...always smiling
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North Carolina

Isaiah adores Goliath. They played, and played and played

Isaiah and his new friend, Naomi

Isaiah slept through most of the flights. If he wasn't sleeping he would look outside the window to see how many tractors he could find. At 10,000 feet altitude, not too many :)
Sorious and Isaiah had a great time together. Sorious shared all his toys...he has a big heart
Rebekah and Kadie helped with all the feedings. Thank you, ladies!!!
The first night Lisa made an awesome meal (steak, Eric's favorite salad, potatoes, dessert)...THANK YOU, NEAL & LISA!!!

We spent the last four days in North Carolina with our family. It was quite nice to be away for a few days. We went to the beach for one day; Isaiah loved the sand but not the waves. We relaxed, met new friends, ate really well, biked, swam in the pool, watched movies and enjoyed each others' company. All the kids were so nice and helped with Isaiah. Isaiah loved Goliath, the dog.
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Monday, July 9, 2007


We went hiking in Salt Springs State Park, PA. I am glad Eric took us through the back woods because the trails were too smooth for us. Salt Springs is a really small park, but beautiful. It even has a really small waterfall.
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Saturday, July 7, 2007


Fun, fun, fun.....
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Thursday, July 5, 2007


Papa and Grandma tried to feed me tonight. They have a lot of patience, but I still couldn't give in. Broccoli? Carrots? Yuck...
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My first apple

If you give me bananas or apples I am happy. Daddy can eat the rest of the food because I think it tastes nasty :)
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The Creek



What kind of bug is that, mommy?
Isaiah and Aunt Maui
Isaiah and mommy after Isaiah fell in the creek face forward
I love rocks...
We went to the creek today and Isaiah threw rocks in the water the whole time we were there. Our fun was spoiled by the rain, of course!!! The rain has been spoiling our days lately, but we need it so we cannot complain too much.
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What a 4th of July!!!

It rained, it poured, and it thunder stormed, so we ended up playing inside the whole day. Isaiah watched TV for the first time, and he didn't know what to do. He was trying to play with the animals in the TV, he didn't understand why they wouldn't come out.
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