Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Daddy's Day!!!

Our Father's Day was AWESOME...
Isaiah gave daddy presents in the morning, then we went to church, then out to breakfast, and then to Papa and Mama's house. We were in the pool for most of the afternoon, and we had the best dinner in a while (yummy steak). Daddy and Papa went to see "Iron Man", and Mommy and Mama stayed home and watched "The Atonement" (yuk).
The greatest thing about the day was when I was praying with Isaiah before he went to bed, and we thanked Jesus for ALL the things daddy does for us. Isaiah was naming thing after thing (tickles me, wrestles with me, daddy makes me laugh, daddy funny, daddy swims with me in the pool, etc., etc.). It made me realize the power of a daddy in a boy's life.
So all I have to say is "Happy Daddy's Day, Eric". I praise the Lord for the awesome man of God you are and for the impact you have in our son's life. You are there for him giving your all, and what else can we ask for? Nothing!!!
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