Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cutting cabbage

When we woke up this morning (6:30AM) I mentioned we will be making haluski. Isaiah got so exiting because he knew that meant he will get to cut the cabbage. Believe me, there's excitement behind the concentration look on his face :)

Isaiah s'a sculat foarte vrednic in dimineata asta. A pus furculitele la loc, a taiat varza pentru haluski (ne'au invatat parintii lui Eric cum sa facem mancarea ungureasca) si acum face curat la jucarii. Ce fatza concentrata are?
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Mara (Coffee with Mara) said...

I love the pictures! perhaps Aaron can learn a few things from Isaiah!

Braden/Cayman said...

Very cute...and very helpful... much so than cutting the cheese!!!! You may have to consult Eric, if that isn't making sense!