Thursday, November 6, 2008

The farm

We went to the Glezen Farms and we were amazed by how much we learned in a couple of hours. Thank you, Val!!!
Isaiah was really intrigued with the cows, and he LOVED the huge trucks. Check out the last picture; he was running for his life when he realized the truck is moving (just kidding...the truck wasn't moving, it just looks that way).
Luke, on the other hand was intrigued by...well, let's say the nice, crisp air so he slept through the whole thing (woke up couple of times to smile at the camera).
Are you surprised that Isaiah found some corn to shuck?

Ne'am dus la ferma Glezen si am invatat foarte mult in doua ore cat am stat acolo. Aveau 680 de vaci pentru lapte si alte sute pentru carne. Lui Isaiah i'au placut camioanele si uite ce repede a fugit cand a vazut ca'i pica camionul in cap (glumim bineinteles).
Lui Luke i'a placut aerul curat si a dormit tot timpul petrecut la ferma.
Si bineinteles Isaiah a gasit un porumb pe undeva :)
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1 comment:

Braden/Cayman said...

Wow... what fun!! And that picture of Isaiah "running away" from the tractor is hysterical!!!